Richard P. Hall Eagles Foundation


Inspired by Tuskegee Airmen, Air Force and United pilot soared
The Miami Herald
Thank you in advance for continuing Richard’s legacy of advancing opportunities for our youth
in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Your generous donations
to the Richard P. Hall Eagles Foundation will propel others to soar and to make a difference.
To God Be The Glory For The Great Things He Will Do through this Foundation.
(1) Via Checks: Make payable to Miami Foundation. In the Memo Section, designate Richard P. Hall Eagles Foundation.
Mail to: The Miami Foundation, 40 NW 3rd Street, Suite 305, Miami, FL 33128.
(2) Via Online: Click DONATE NOW and for Gift Designation, select Richard P. Hall Eagles Foundation
(3) Via Cash Wire or Stock Transfer: Please contact Julie Bindbeutel at jbindbeutel@miamifoundation.org or 305.357.2082
for cash wiring or stock transfer instructions.
Please contact LaTéssa Hall at latessa.richardphalleagles@gmail.com should you have any questions.
Thank You Kindly
The Miami Foundation will provide a tax acknowledgment letter upon receipt, on behalf of the Richard P. Hall Eagles Foundation.